Thursday, July 12, 2007

Viagra Can Turn Sexual Confidence to Over-Confidence

With the spate of recent crises and incidents related to Viagra, we need to sit back and think of the consequences of the intrusion of the blue pill into our daily lives. It is no mean feat that human beings have an answer to all the complex complications of life. In a culture of quick-fix and pill-for-all-cure, Viagra can aid man to get an erection, irrespective of age or physical condition, by just popping the stimulant. With the hype surrounding the famed pill, the adverse effects it has on the social and cultural set up needs to be examined under sharp eyes.
Our society if fed on a steady diet of hype. The moral police of the society argue that the unprecedented success of Viagra is not the result of an eye-popping scientific and medical breakthrough; it is a culmination of the media indoctrination on the male sexual gratification. Rather than portraying Viagra as a drug exclusively for erectile dysfunction, a medical condition that may be either physical or psychological, the promos spin a different yarn. The pharmaceutical companies are playing god by going against the natural process of human aging with such lame and flimsy advertisements.
A few days back, a former coach of a prep school landed in the police dragnet in Virginia Beach. He was trying to establish a sexual liaison with a teenage boy. In the last week of February too, a man was caught in Concord for a similar offence, this time with a minor girl. There were two similarities in the two cases. Both the liaisons were developed through the Internet, and both the culprits had Viagra in their possession. This opens a can of worms, a Pandoras box for Viagra.
Such incidents highlight the wayward nature of many among us, propelled by sexually energizing drugs. The cultural value of human beings is heading towards an all time low. Once it hits rock bottom, human beings will need one hell of an effort to bounce back to being humane again. The ever rising graph of sex crimes mirror the hollow human values of today. Viagra has become just an excuse, a one way ticket to illegal and unwarranted sex. Keeping these incidents aside for a while, lets have a quick look around us to get an insight of how deeply Viagra is ingrained in the fabric of todays society.
There have been many cases of divorce due to Viagra. When a man in his sixties pops the pill, he gets inflamed and begins to stray away from his old loving, but sagging wife. Happy with his newfound vitality, he goes around poking his poker into every available hole like a young goat trying its horn on every mound around him. Women divorce such old raging bulls, for their infidelity. It is the other way round sometimes. Women have a natural phase called menopause, when they lose sexual interests with age just like in the males. When these old crooks realize that the point of penetration with their spouses is rather rickety, they change partners; after all it is not a new ploy in the business of sex.
The mind of an average pedophile is nothing but sick. As in the cases mentioned, the men had grand plans to have a go at the minors, with the help of Viagra (of course). What is this with Viagra that brings out the pedophile or sex maniac in a man? And give an iota of thought to those party mongers, who trip, literally, on Viagra, to manage at least a lay after a long night of booze, coke and what nots. How did a prescription drug to treat a medical condition get the cult status of a party drug? Dont burden yourself, trying to answer it. Its the undoing of human frailty at its peak.
After all there is no business better than sex, sex sells and the going rate is definitely high. The macho image in the promos sweep men off their feet, and they fell head over heels in love with Viagra. With Viagra in their stride, the sexual despondency is far removed from their vocabulary. Viagra has become an aphrodisiac, because it can. When sexual confidence comes to over confidence (with due regards to Viagra), the social and cultural bus of life can turn turtle.

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