Friday, August 24, 2007

Getting One Way SEO Links - The Easy and FREE Way

What we are hunting for?
Unique Domains,
One Way Links,
Text Link copy of our choice ,
The ability to change those links,
Sites that have PR and cover our choice topic ....
Enter the Free Hosting Sites
One of the easiest and most often overlooked resources on the net today are the free hosting companies. Free hosting companies make money by upgrading accounts into paying accounts or selling services to you.
One of the huge advantages to a free hosted account and your SEO efforts is that search engines are more and more looking at the number of unique inbound one way links that are pointing to your website.
So what is a aspiring SEO junkie to do? Well luckily my link addicted friend there is an answer..FREE and ME rhyme for a good reason. There are 100's if not 1000's of free hosting companies dying to give you 50 - 100 MB accounts for your email address. I am going to give you a step by step way of building as many inbound links as your little (or big) SEO heart desires.
Step 1: Find the Freebies!
Fisrt start by going to our friends the search engines and search for "free web hosting", "free web site" or any other permutation of the free hosting terminology.
Here are a few to get started:, and
Step 2: Get Ready to Track
With so mayny free hosting companies in existance it will be a challenge to keep track of all the data, so we will use our friend excel to help us along. Make a handy dandy spreadsheet of all the sites you find. On this spreadsheet have the following columns "Name" "URL" "Login Page" "My Username" "My Password" "My URL" "Content Type".
Step 3: Decide the content Type and Get It
After you have cataloged all of your prosepects we will need to creat content, luckily this is the easy part as there are 1000's of articles out there free for the copying (as long as you mention the author). So, choose a topis that is relevant to your website and go forth and copy...
Step 4: Sign up and Publish
Ok so we now have where we will get hosting, we have the content and a way to track it all...YAY! So what we need to do now is get started. Now, the real trick is getting your pieces of real estate and not being marketed to death. Setup a Yahoo, MSN or GMail account (if you can) to use for registering all of these accounts. Once you get your free email account, head to number one on your list and get registered, make sure you doucument all of your infomration as it will make your life that much easier in the long run.
Lets talk briefly about registering. When signing up you will usually need to create a "Sub Domain", this will be Try and find a Sub Domain that matchec the type of content you will be creating. So lets say you are making content about Real Estate, so you would try to include that keyword "Real Estate" in your Sub Domain (ie.
After you have signed up it is time to publish. Using thier free website builder or your favorite tool, create a 4 - 10 page site (using your articles and a home page). On each article look for keywords that are relevant to your site and hotlink each page at least once to your site that you are SEO'ing. Or, go the cheap route and create a footer link to your site (bah that's too easy and does not look very natural :P )
Well you get the picture :) Rinse and Repete this process as many times as your heart desieres and we are now started.
Step 5: Getting Indexed
So, we took all this time to create 1 Million (ok a little less) itty bitty micro sites, now what? Well you need to get the Search Engines to actually notice you..right? So lets go over 2 proven methods of achieving this goal.
Method 1. - Submit and wait...pretty easy method, submit your site to the crawlers and wait for them to come along.
Or if you are focusing on Google, hook up each site with AdSense and submit the site (this is unproven, but has worked for me)
Method 2. - Create the inevitable Link Chain (or PR chain I like to call it)
This is actually slightly complicated, but with our handy dandy spreadsheet, should not be too hard. First we will assume you have a site, If not go buy a link to get started :P. Either way we need to point a link at at least one, if not 3, of our free hosted account to get the link ball rolling.
After we have pointed a link at one site, we need to expand our chain of links. So our next step is on this taget domain is to link from the home page to 2 or 3 of our other free hosted domains. The important factors here are to not link back and forth within the free hosted accounts but to link one to another one way only, and not do it in large noticable quantities. The best method of this is to actually enbed the links within the text of articles.
Now, if done correctly you will never trip an algo alert because or a few factors.
1. We are linking to sites not owned by you or on the same IP address.
2. The content of each site you link to should not have any of the same content (so no duplicate content filter trip)
3. Each site will have up to 10 pages but not less than 3 (so it is not a link page only)
So to recap What exatly have we done? We have created micro sites that have good content, and is on topic to what we do. We have created a possile income source with adsense on our micro sites and we have assited our SEO efforts at no cost except for time.

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