Tuesday, August 28, 2007

How to Build Profitable Web Sites to Get Top 1% Search Engines Ranking

The trick to building profitable web sites to get high ranking through indexing by Major Search Engines is Good Design. You dont have to pay costly fees. Get that?
Yes, getting to the top 1% ranking comes from the art of putting careful thought in crafting and setting up your Internet Business. How you arrange your products and services in your web site pages is very critical for getting thousands of buyers clamoring for your products. Your site will be so appealing it motivates them to open their wallets, take out their credit cards and willingly give it to you, so you send them your products.
Here are the steps to higher Search Engine ranking::
Firstly, you zero in on your highly targeted audience. Let's say you plan to sell DVD players. This term is too broad to use in your small internet business. Leave this category/term for the big giants of the industry. They have the big advertising budgets to capture the broad market with massive advertising.
You, however, have to look for a piece of this big market. You are looking for a niche. You want to capture a highly defined target audience. These people already know what they want and are ready to give you their credit card number to order.
Secondly, suppose you came up with a target group who are looking for lightweight DVD players. You can devise a name like: lightweightdvdplayers.com, register it with a reputable hosting company with all the correct security, virus protection , marketing and other effective money making tools for your web site and you are ready to build your site.
NOTE: Remember to register related sub-domain names of your product and services too. Use them in your site or separate sites or just park them with you web registry company for use later when you can expand your product line.
Thirdly, you must develop additional product pages under your URL name you just registered above, as follows:
One page for say, the SUNNY brand name products, with further sub-categories1... like deluxe model, standard model, etc., and sub-category2 different colors etc.
Another page for say, the Tohibba brand name products... with similar sub-categories like before.
Another page for the Samsoong products... with similar sub-categories like before and so on This is called the drill down method of designing your web site. Another way to look at this design is like drilling a hole inside a cone that is standing on the tip. You start from a wide area, the base of the cone, then proceed to a very small pointy area. The final point you want to hit. You get it? Practice a little on a scratch pad of your ideas and I sure youll come up with a winner!
Fourthly, you must link these pages together. This linking process helps your site develop credibility with the Search Engines. When the Search Engine robot spiders crawl around the superhighway looking for content youll have plenty content for them to feed on. Good content and a lot of it is what Search Engines hunger for. You have to give them that and they will love you for it.
Fifth, You must create a Site Map, particularly on your home page, as this will tie in your entire web site in a form the Search Engines are dying for, that further allows them to crawl your site and rank it higher on the internet.
These are the major actions you must take to get customers drawn to your site by the thousands of visitors a day. The sooner you implement these strategies on your site, the sooner you will see your ranking on Alexa, Yahoo, MSN , Alta Vista and other major Search Engines soar. Soaring high means more traffic. More traffic means more orders and more orders mean more money in your bank account. That is why you have an on line business. To make money 24/7 running on auto pilot.
So, let us back up a little. This might take some work and you will have to put in some time to develop your site. In about three to four weeks, I would say, if you are diligent about making money with your site, you can craft a strong pulling web site with all its pages intact. If you want to make money with your web site, youll know that it is worth the time. This three weeks diligence is going to put a lot of money in your pocket fast.
However, if you do not want to take the time to design your own money making web site, there is another solution. You can let the professionals do it for you. Just click on the site below and youll be amazed of how attractive and Search Engine friendly they will make you site. Plus, the will give you some more tips and tricks that I cannot address here in this article, due to space limitations.
But, I encourage you to give it a try on your own first. Give up? Then, youll make a wise decision if you click on the link below and youll be all set to go to creat a money pulling site.
Do all this and then watch the money roll in.

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